Sensible Philanthropy
Encouraging people and businesses to give more abundantly through optimized tax advantaged giving while making the public aware of organizations we support and the businesses that support us. Ideologically, the Eddleman Foundation espouses a Judeo Christian Worldview and sociopolitically we encourage public education with the principles of liberty, freedom, and an Originalist Constitutional viewpoint.
We encourage you to:
Learn more about the Benefactors of the Eddleman Foundation. When you support them, you support us!
Learn more about the Recipient Organizations we support and consider supporting them yourself either directly or through the Eddleman Foundation.
Learn more about the Advanced Tax Strategies available to small business owners by using the Eddleman Foundation.

We're a part of the West Tennessee Skate Park Initiative!
Optimize your Philanthropy!
Did you know that as a small business owner, you may be able to achieve a net 12% - 37% tax savings2 on a strategic "sponsorship" instead of personal charitable giving?
Most households3 can't beneficially deduct their tax deductible giving; instead you may be able to:
Save on taxes2
Contribute more2 to the organizations1 you love the most
Have more2 in your own pocket
Promote your business
Promote the organizations1 you support